20th- 23rd May 2021
1.5 hrs  each session
20 & 21: 4:00pm-5:30pm
22 & 23: 10:30am-12:00pm

By Priyanka Jayanth 
(Fashion Designer, The Registry of Sarees)

During these hard times the weaving communities we work with have been affected drastically. One of them is the Kodiyala weaving community in Mandya district of Karnataka. Due to shortage of facilities in hospitals in Mandya, Mysore and Bangalore, Kodiyala is in dire need of basic medical facilities, hygiene and ration kits. 11 other smaller surrounding villages are in turn dependent on Kodiyala for these services. 

The Registry of Sarees is conducting an online embroidery workshop to raise funds to benefit the affected weaving community in Kodiyala. Titled ‘Stories Told By Hand’ the workshop conducted by our Fashion Designer Priyanka Jayanath will cover the basic techniques and concepts of embroidery. In light of the times we live in, we wish to use techniques of the hand to guide us with our thoughts and feelings. We hope that by learning hand embroidery and hand stitching, you will find a personal language in which you can creatively write notes to yourself.

Course Requirements::

  • 3 square pieces of cotton fabric preferably a light shade/white ( size : 10 x 10 inches )
  • 1 piece of felt or normal cotton fabric for the backing ( size : 10 x 10 inches)  
  • 2 Embroidery/Hand stitching Needles
  • 2 Shades of Embroidery/Stitching Thread (one light and one dark)
  • Embroidery Frame (if you have)
  • Scissors
  • Pencil/ fine tip marker 
  • Carbon Paper(if available)
  • Measuring Tape/ Ruler 
  • Good Lighting! 


Fee: Rs 2360/- (inclusive of taxes. This money will be used to benefit the weavers in Kodiyala.

To participate in the workshop send us an email expressing your interest and we will provide you with the bank details.

Email : contact@theregistryofsarees.com

Phone Number: Rukmini +91 9810189163 / Office Number: +91 7022795003

Slots =10 


Comprising four sessions, you will complete two simple and unique samplers by incorporating 11 different stitches that will be taught during the sessions keeping your central theme in mind. This workshop will include learning the elemental stitches and know-hows of needlepoint such as creating, transferring and finishing a pattern. The first two sessions will focus on learning the introductory steps in creating an embroidered pattern.Having learnt the basics of embroidery, you will then use these skills in the third and fourth session to invoke your reflections. The idea is to creatively translate your memory into a tangible object.

Session 1 (20.05.2021, 4:00pm-5:30pm)
Introduction To Hand Embroidery
Session one will take you through six elementary stitches and five intricate stitches of hand embroidery using the template provided.

Elementary Stitches:

  • Running Stitch
  • Back Stitch
  • Stem Stitch
  • French Knots
  • Lazy Daisy 
  • Satin

Intricate stitches:

  • Couching
  • Fishbone
  • Pistil Stitch
  • Threaded Running 
  • Fly Stitch 

Session 2 (21.05.2021, 4:00pm-5:30pm)
You will create your first embroidery sampler in session two and start building your personal story/theme. Here we will learn how to create and transfer a pattern through the technique of embroidery lettering and revisit the stitches from session one. The stitches we will focus on are Back Stitch, Stem Stitch and Couching.

Session 3 (22.05.2021, 10:00am-12:30pm)
In the third session of the workshop, you will create a pattern rooted with a personal touch and begin embroidering it.

Session 4(23.05.2021, 10:00am-12:30pm)
In the final session, you will continue and finish your embroidery pattern as well as learn how to create a backing for it.